CSS Fundamentals
2-day Basic/intermediate CSS Course based on W3C Standards — CSF
CSS Training Course Overview
This CSS training course teaches the fundamentals of modern web design using only stylesheets for layout and design — no HTML formatting attributes or layout tables.
This CSS training course covers all of the core CSS features supported by all popular web browsers — including broken legacy browsers such as IE6 and IE7.
Its primary purpose is to enable students to really understand the underlying concepts and logic of CSS — rather than merely supply recipes for popular web design tasks. Although it does supply such recipes — it delivers them with proper explanations of why they work the way they do.
As such, this CSS training course provides a solid and reliable foundation for learning and adapting the more advanced, experimental and visually challenging aspects of CSS, e.g. using CSS3 with HTML5 web applications in older browsers.
Course contents — 1 Getting Started with CSS
- Separating HTML from CSS
- Using HTML only for structure. meaning, and content
- Using only CSS for graphic design, presentation and rendering
- Linking CSS style sheets to web pages
- Embedding CSS styles in HTML — usually a bad idea
- The basic syntax of CSS
- Rules
- Selectors
- Block
- Properties
- Values
- Whitespace and Comments in CSS
- Why CSS standards matter
- Current standards and their status
- CSS 1
- CSS 2
- CSS 2.1
- CSS 3
- Browser Support for CSS standards
- Which standards are supported by which browsers
- Proper behaviour when styles are missing/present
- Browser default styles vs. designer stylesheets
- Quirks mode vs. standards mode
- Non-standard behaviours in IE6, IE7 and IE8
- Hands-on Exercises
Course contents — 2 CSS Boxes and CSS Selectors
- The CSS Box Model
- CSS and Logical HTML Structure
- Styling Boxes: Borders, Margins and Padding
- The IE Box Model and Quirks Mode
- IE Box Model Workarounds
- Using IE6 Standards Mode
- Specifying CSS Distances
- Problems with Absolute Units: pixels and point sizes
- Using Proportional Units: em, ex and percentages
- Formatting Box Edges Differently
- Shorthand Syntax for Sets of Edges
- Using Margins and Padding Effectively
- Collapsing Vertical Margins on Paragraphs
- Using Negative Margins on Boxes
- Background Images on CSS Boxes
- Grouping Elements with HTML Classes
- Styling Multiple Elements Similarly (Selector Grouping)
- Block Boxes and Inline Boxes
- Block Box Behaviour
- Inline Box Behaviour
- Using the Generic Block Level Element:
- Hands-on Exercises
Course contents — 3 Text Formatting in CSS
- Text Formatting
- Typefaces, Alternatives and Defaults
- Text Size — a Serious Usability Issue
- Font Characteristics
- Setting and Using Space Within Text
- Formatting Blocks of Text
- Using Arbitrary Inline Tags:
- Hands-on Exercises
Course contents — 4 More Selectors & Selection
- Using HTML Element IDs in CSS
- Using CSS Descendant Selectors
- Descendant Selector Examples
- Child, Sibling and Pseudo-Class Selectors
- Why You Need To Know Them
- Browser Support and CSS Hacks
- Distinguishing and Setting Link States
- Link, Visited, Hover, Active, Focus
- Modularising CSS Style-Sheets
- Simpler Management, Less Effort, More Control
- Embedded CSS Styles in HTML Documents
- How and When to Use Them (Rarely).
- Distinguishing Print, Screen and other Output Formats
- Special Issues in CSS for Print
- Hands-on Exercises
Course contents — 5 CSS Positioning
- Choosing the Right CSS Technique for Positioning Blocks
- The Position Property, Floats, Margins (inc. Negative and Auto), etc
- Static Positioning and Normal Flow
- Absolute Positioning Outside Normal Flow
- Relative Positioning — Not What You May Expect!
- Fixed Positioning Outside Normal Flow
- Relative Absolute Positioning
- Absolutely Positioned Blocks in Relatively Positioned Containers
- Floating Boxes with the CSS float property
- Page Layout Using Absolutely Positioned Blocks
- Page Layout Using Floated Blocks
- Hands-on Exercises
Course contents — 6 More on CSS Page Layout
- Alternative Methods of CSS Positioning
- Centring Blocks
- Styling Lists
- Redefining the Behaviour of Inline and Block Elements
- Hiding and Revealing Blocks
- Table Formatting in CSS
- Styling Table Cell Borders
- Page Layout with Table Display Properties
- Hands-on Exercises
Course contents — 7 Specificity: resolving conflicts
- Taking Control: Ensuring that CSS Rules Interact in the Way You Want
- Combining Styles: Different Types, Origins, Importance, Specificity and Order
- Examples: Combining Rules
- Cascading and Cascade Order
- Resolving Style Conflicts By Origin
- Resolving Style Conflicts By Importance
- Resolving Conflict By Selector Specificity
- Resolving Conflict By Order
- Non-CSS Presentational Hints
- Property Inheritance
- Hands-on Exercises
Course contents — 8 CSS Layers and Translucency
- Different Forms of Layered Presentation in CSS
- Layering with the z-index Property
- Different Methods for Creating Translucency Effects
- The CSS3 opacity Property
- opacity Example
- Fixed Attachment Backgrounds in Layers
- background-attachment Example
- Transparency and Semi-transpaency with Alpha-Blended PNG
- PNG Translucency Example and Sample Code
- Pseudo-Transparency with JPG Positioned Backgrounds
- JPG Pseudo Transparency Example
- Hands-on Exercises
Course contents — 9 Using CSS in the Real World
- Deploying CSS
- CSS Formatting Versus HTML Formatting
- Achieving a Balance
- Standard Tags and Semantic Markup
- Usability
- Readable Pages
- Screen Size and Fluid Design
- Text Size, Including Internet Explorer Quirks
- Table Layout and CSS Positioning
- Table Layout and CSS Positioning as Alternatives
- Combining Table Layout with CSS Positioning
- CSS Browser Support
- Testing Websites
- Using Test Suites and Multiple Browsers
- Cross-platform Testing in Single-platform Environments
- CSS Help and Advice
- Authorative Sources versus Web Myths and Gossip
- Free Lifetime Support
Dates for Online courses
Dates for Dublin
- Wednesday 21 May 2025 Ormond Quay €1020 Book
- Wednesday 25 Jun 2025 Ormond Quay €1020 Book
- Wednesday 30 Jul 2025 Ormond Quay €1020 Book
Dates for Belfast
- Wednesday 30 Jul 2025 Assembly Buildings £850 Book
- Wednesday 3 Sep 2025 Assembly Buildings £850 Book
- Wednesday 8 Oct 2025 Assembly Buildings £850 Book
Course Objectives
On completion of this CSS training course, you should be able to:
- Use core CSS to size, position, and style any web page component
- Produce table-less multi-column page layouts, i.e. CSS-only
- Create layouts which scale and stretch to meet user needs
- Create designs which work well in modern and legacy browsers, e.g. IE6
- Design most styles of navigation menu, e.g.
- Vertical and horizontal
- Rollover and static buttons
- Graphical and browser-drawn/text buttons
- Dropdown and pull-out menus
- Style data tables — attractively and reliably
- Style interactive web forms — attractively and reliably
- Use background and foreground images to create different styling effects
- Create designs which work on different media, e.g. print and screen
- Use CSS to enhance usability and accessibility
- Use CSS to enhance Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
- Maintain, test and debug your CSS — especially on large and complex sites
- Use and learn more advanced CSS selectors and properties
Target Audience
- Web site designers
- Web developers
- Communications and marketing professionals with a web brief
- Graphic designers who need to enhance their web design skills
- SEO consultants
- Members of the general public who wish to create their own websites
Training Pre-requisites
- A good understanding of HTML or XHTML
- Graphic ambition — actual talent is not required!
- Willingness to throw away outdated HTML formatting habits
- Willingness to hand code HTML and CSS
Training Style
This CSS training course, is instructor-led, hands-on practical training.
Hands-on practical work will comprise between 40% and 60% of the contact time, depending on the needs of the particular training group.